As many people now know, I have been experiencing issues with my heart over the past few months. Due to this I decided not to race in the Brass Monkey Series this weekend but rather help out by guiding novices and beginners down the river. For me it was a hard decision to step back and take it easy after several years of competing at a high intensity and relatively high level in Cross Country Mountain Biking and now Multisport. This forced break will be good for me as I will be able to sort out my priorities and focus on uni while I undergo tests to see whats happening with my body. The "race" itself was pretty fun for me still. A good river level with a couple of fun little features to ensure I was paying attention to what I was doing (unlike my near swim at the start infront of an eager crowd). In the end I think I finished around the 57:30 mark, but the time is irrelevant to me as I was helping out a beginner. I have to admit it was quite weird today having people ...