This year I got invited to be in a competitive team by Tim Farrant which included a few GODZone competitors such as Elisha Nuttall and Ben Gibson. Due to my current lack of fitness and lack of time on my feet, I went into the event pretty nervous about my ability to survive 24 hours on my feet let alone in a fast team which would be running a lot of the event. Due to the nature of the event, we had no idea where we were off to when loaded onto the buses Saturday morning, but I had heard rumors of the event being held in the Ashburton lakes region which turned out to be correct. Another major part of this event is the fact that the majority of teams dress up in costumes for the first leg. Our team decided to go for Cadbury Favourites as the theme for our costume which not only looked impressive but also worked as some protection from the masses of matagouri bushes which always seem to feature in a Twalk course. The first leg was held from Lake Camp back to the sealed road via...