As most people reading this will know, when it comes to “luck”, I haven’t had much of it the past few years. However as this year draws to a close I have come to realise that “luck” doesn’t exist, it truly does come down to our decisions and the actions we take. On reflection all of my past injuries that I have put down as bad luck have actually all been due to poor decision making. Torn ligaments in ankle – shouldn’t have pushed the descent so fast in the rain so close to my main race. Broken ribs – shouldn’t have gone on a safety course above my skill level the weekend before my main race. Heart issues – while most likely genetic, I’m sure super long hours working followed by high intensity training was a contributing factor to my burn out as well. While I’ve always thought I wanted that elusive good performance at Coast to Coast, I have never truly committed myself to achieving it. On my way to a cheeky club race win The biggest thing I have learnt over the past few ...