Little events like these end up being the gems that you have to compete at year after year. This one will certainly be one of those, especially with an entry fee of only $31.50! (Take note other race organisers). Anyone who has ridden in Timaru will know how fun the trails are, especially for longer races like this one or the Timaru 10 hour. Unlike last weekend, I would certainly recommend this event to anyone. As a bonus the South Canterbury Mountain Bike Club use the funds for trail building so it's a win win for us riders! It's just ashame that after several weekends in a row of racing, I was only able to enjoy 2 hours of racing rather than the full 4! The course was great fun for this length of time racing, the competition was crazy fast (just look at the results to see how dominant Tim Rush was...), and the weather was perfect. I probably should have been a little less relaxed about the start, as you can see from the photo, you can barely see me! I certainly don't ha...