The inaugural Salmon Run multisport race was held on the 10th of October. Due to a change in work requirements, I was able to put in a last minute entry. I was super excited to be able to do a multisport race again as my last one was the Motatapu multisport race in March 2013! The event comprised of a 36k cycle, 1.5k run, 14k kayak and a 9.5k run to the finish. Despite the last minute entry, my gear was quite possibly the most prepared I have ever been for an event, with the boys at Torpedo 7 Christchurch helping to get my bike race ready. Another bonus with the last minute entry was it allowed me to just relax and have fun racing as I hadn't specifically targeted it as a must do build up event. A few treats with some Pic's Peanut Butter and some Chocolate Milk is always a good start to the day as well ;) The ride was overall slow but reasonably aggressive in nature, with the bunch seeming to never settle into a consistent pace as no one wanted to do too much work. Alex Nis...