It was great to get out last week for the first event of the wicked rogaine series and my first event since breaking my ribs almost 6 weeks prior. It was based around the sugarloaf reserve on the Port hills. I had no plan to be competitive, I was just happy to be out doing something after several weeks spent on the couch recovering. My sister joined me at the event to ensure I wouldn't go crazy and push myself too hard.
This year has already presented itself with plenty of high's and low's. I went in to the event feeling as prepared as I had ever been and thankful to actually make it to the start line (for once). I had a good win in the legs from Around Brunner, however I also had my first swim in the Waimak in 5 years... fun times. Overall I was looking forward to getting out there and enjoying the day. My plan for the day was to start steady to ensure I got to the run feeling fresh and ready to run hard. I had no intention of coming off the bike in the front bunch. So when I found myself dragged up the road to the first bunch after a very steady run (9:00 vs the leaders 7:30), I was surprised and happy to be in a good position. It was now just a matter of sitting on the back, doing very little work, and letting the race be decided later. It was the best ride I've had in years, super relaxed atmosphere and a nice consistent pace to keep the legs feeling good. I actually mus...
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